In this quick science demo, we create condensation and explore how water vapor becomes dew when it’s chilly and frost when it’s really chilly!
Condensation Activity: What Causes Dew and Frost?

In this quick science demo, we create condensation and explore how water vapor becomes dew when it’s chilly and frost when it’s really chilly!
This month, don’t miss the opportunity to observe the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing! No matter what science curriculum you’re into right now, it’s the perfect time to learn about the moon, space exploration, and our solar
Your littles will go bananas for these static electricity activities! Pure magic!
Another great science activity — quick and easy demonstration you can do with items you already have around your house.
Pull the string down, and watch the toy go up! Fun and simple mechanical toy you can build with materials you probably already have in your basement.
My son had so much fun with our oil and water science activity that he recently came up to me with the bottle of baby oil in his hand and asked if we could do another project with it. Always
All of our preschool science projects lately have to have a color-mixing element. My three-year-old is fascinated by this process and will plunge with delight into any project that involves food coloring. Here is one of my favorite science/art crossover
This simple oil and water science activity helps kids see how oil and water separate from each other. It also includes food coloring, which is always a big thrill for my little ones! This week, we dyed some water and
We live in a major urban center, and at this point, we aren’t even allowed chickens in our neighborhood. We have to actively seek out opportunities for our boys to get outside, to spend time around animals, to learn how
This summer for one of his projects, my three year old has been diligently caring for a strawberry plant. He waters it, keeps it clear of weeds, and on three separate occasions has had the supreme delight of picking a