We live in a major urban center, and at this point, we aren’t even allowed chickens in our neighborhood. We have to actively seek out opportunities for our boys to get outside, to spend time around animals, to learn how
Raising City Boys Outside

We live in a major urban center, and at this point, we aren’t even allowed chickens in our neighborhood. We have to actively seek out opportunities for our boys to get outside, to spend time around animals, to learn how
A look at what our second son is up to at eighteen months: Fine motor skills are on this guy’s mind daily as he works to understand and manipulate the world around here. Recent conquests have included mastering the zippered
The topic of organizing our kids’ million and one toys seems to come up constantly in my Instagram mom chats, so I thought I’d take today to share a few thoughts on the subject. First, you should know that I
Good. Maybe when he grows up, he’ll have a job instead of sitting in your basement eating bonbons and playing Xbox. Keep up the good work!! In all seriousness, I have taught for twelve years and had countless conversations with