A round-up of our favorite toys and games for learning and practicing letters!
Learning Letters: Alphabet Games Round Up

A round-up of our favorite toys and games for learning and practicing letters!
A look at what our second son is up to at eighteen months: Fine motor skills are on this guy’s mind daily as he works to understand and manipulate the world around here. Recent conquests have included mastering the zippered
My three-year-old loves to help out in the kitchen. He’s now at a point where if I get out my mini-chopper, he runs over and asks me what we’re making. This is an appliance that terrified him just a few short
… or something similar. These simple blocks are perfect for an endless variety of activities, particularly for math. Kids love the bright colors, and they stack together and come apart easily enough for little fingers. Left to his own
We recently observed that sacred school holiday: the 100th day of school. My three-year-old is working on counting to 100, and he has been using a 10 x 10 matrix. Ours is just a print-out in a dry erase sheet, but
When we consider the financial impact of home schooling, a lot of factors come into play. Obviously, losing my income is the most critical, but we’re also looking at savings — tuition, daycare, the gas from my substantial commute. The