We love exploring the US National Parks! Did you know that your fourth grader can visit these amazing places for FREE?? Here’s how!
Get Your Fourth Grade US National Parks Pass!

We love exploring the US National Parks! Did you know that your fourth grader can visit these amazing places for FREE?? Here’s how!
Attract more feathered friends to your yard or garden with this simple DIY bird feeder. Great STEM project to complement your nature study!
This summer for one of his projects, my three year old has been diligently caring for a strawberry plant. He waters it, keeps it clear of weeds, and on three separate occasions has had the supreme delight of picking a
Ah, so many birds and so little time to sketch them poorly in my nature journal! While we did not see too many big animals on our trip to Olympic — not like going to Yellowstone where you’re practically tripping
In the literature I was reading preparing for our trip to Olympic, one description stated that the park had a “dazzling variety of wildflowers.” That was no joke! Due to the extreme variations in ecosystems throughout the park, countless types
The word “rainforest” conjures images of brightly-colored macaws, 15-foot anacondas, and jaguars creeping along tree branches; however, rainforests are designated simply by the amount of precipitation they receive each year. Their flora, fauna, and climates vary in every other way.
Our hunt for more waterfalls led us to explore the Elwha River, Barnes Creek, Falls Creek, and the Sol Duc River. Hiking to Marymere Falls gave us our first good look at an old growth forest. Immense, moss-covered trees towered
Our week in Olympic National Park began in the mountains surrounding Lake Crescent. We lodged at the Log Cabin Resort and had a cabin right on the water. The boys enjoyed having easy access to the water for tossing rocks
The American National Parks are a dream come true for families seeking an opportunity to explore wildlife and wilderness. This summer we made our first visit to Olympic National Park. Located on the Olympic peninsula of Washington state, this park
Our seed project has been taking off! Our preschooler planted zinnias in a few pots, and he has been faithfully watering them every day and making sure they get plenty of sun. The sprouts are finally big enough to put