We chose homeschooling for many reasons, but among the most important is the time our children have to spend with their siblings.
Sibling Bonding and Character Building

We chose homeschooling for many reasons, but among the most important is the time our children have to spend with their siblings.
All the parents who are sick to tears of “Brown Bear, Brown Bear,” this one’s for you!
I’m throwing in the towel. Here’s why.
I have written before about our older son and his naturally cautious approach to everything new. He does not like strangers or new situations. While his much bolder baby brother is racing to the biggest slide on the playground, he
This summer for one of his projects, my three year old has been diligently caring for a strawberry plant. He waters it, keeps it clear of weeds, and on three separate occasions has had the supreme delight of picking a
Something about three seems to making my older son grow at light speed. Since he hit his birthday in December, it’s been non-stop new skills and ever-increasing independence. This week alone, he graduated from a mattress on the floor to
Charlotte Mason educators often refer to the importance of “mother’s education,” a phrase that typically encompasses a mother’s training in child-rearing, her study of child psychology and educational best practices, and for many moms, her personal spiritual growth through Bible
A bit of wisdom from Maria Montessori today: “Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.” For our older son, that’s basically every task now. Last month he hit three and dove headfirst into