Hands-On History: Currency Inflation

Hands-On History: Currency Inflation

If you’re teaching your kids about finances and not talking about inflation, debasement, and fiat currencies, you’re really missing out on a golden opportunity. See what I did there? For a hands-on exploration, get two quarters: one dated before 1965

Can You Afford to Home School?

Can You Afford to Home School?

For many families, home schooling means going from a two-income household to having one parent work while the other stays home.  This is a major lifestyle change, but it doesn’t have to be fraught with doubt and uncertainty.  A little

Econ for Everybody

Econ for Everybody

Among the most sorely neglected subjects in public education, economics is a fascinating and practical discipline. Our understanding of econ has enormous ramifications for how we view the world, how we vote, and of course, how we manage our own

Going Green

Going Green

When we consider the financial impact of home schooling, a lot of factors come into play.  Obviously, losing my income is the most critical, but we’re also looking at savings — tuition, daycare, the gas from my substantial commute.  The