Cave Hike

Cave Hike

We are taking our boys to Olympic National Park for a week this summer, so we did a little trial run this weekend.  We hiked down to a cave near our house — about a 2.5 mile loop — with

Bird Watching 

Bird Watching 

To say that I enjoy watching birds is a bit of an understatement. Essentially, if you are driving, don’t ask me to navigate because chances are good that I’m going to miss our turn if an interesting bird flies overhead.

All Aboard!

All Aboard!

Albert Einstein said, “Play is the highest form of research.”  This is most true when our children play with toys that allow them to create, experiment, and solve problems. Our three-year-old is enchanted with his wooden train set these days.

Urban Outdoors

Urban Outdoors

I grew up in a small town, but fate has seen fit to have me raise my boys in a big city.  I hate the traffic.  My best friend is Charlotte Masoning her children in rural Indiana with chickens and barn