Unlock the marvelous potential of your water beads with these surprising and engaging learning activities!
Water Bead Activities: 10 New Ways to Play

Unlock the marvelous potential of your water beads with these surprising and engaging learning activities!
We routinely disregard the suggested ages on our childrens’ toys, especially with Legos. Here’s why.
We love classic board games, but we’re recently gotten to know a few new ones, too! Great for whole family play with mixed ages!
A look at what our second son is up to at eighteen months: Fine motor skills are on this guy’s mind daily as he works to understand and manipulate the world around here. Recent conquests have included mastering the zippered
You don’t need anything fancy to successfully guide your child through preschool development at home. My son has been really interested in scissor work lately, so we do a very simple activity in which I draw lines and shapes and
We loooooove puzzles at our house, but how do you know when baby is ready for puzzles and where do you start? First of all, puzzles require fine motor control. If your baby can put together MegaBlocks or something similar,
Every single day, we are making stuff in this house. Â And I don’t just mean messes. Â Every day, we are using our hands and our brains to put things together. Â Here are our favorite projects this week. Puzzles It has
When you work full-time and are also trying to teach your kids some stuff, you need to make good use of your time at home. For big brother and me, that often means doing a lot of learning while little
I’ve seen this activity suggested on Pinterest, but this was our first time trying it. We used 18 mm plastic beads, regular spaghetti stuck in a little blob of Play-Doh, and an enthusiastic three-year-old. On top of building those fine
Our baby has hit that glorious stage: Putting Things in Things! He wants to take every object he can get his paws on and put it into any kind of container he can procure. It may be tempting to start