My three-year-old loves to help out in the kitchen. He’s now at a point where if I get out my mini-chopper, he runs over and asks me what we’re making. This is an appliance that terrified him just a few short
Preschool in the Kitchen: Hummus

My three-year-old loves to help out in the kitchen. He’s now at a point where if I get out my mini-chopper, he runs over and asks me what we’re making. This is an appliance that terrified him just a few short
While we are a far cry from homesteaders, we would like to instill in our children some sense of self-reliance. Rather than run out to the store and buy every little thing, if it’s at all possible for us to
My grandfather loved his flower garden. I recall my mom planting a few tomato plants for them one year, but for the most part, they grew the flowers. A mountain of snapdragons. Hoards of little pansies that my grandma always
Good. Maybe when he grows up, he’ll have a job instead of sitting in your basement eating bonbons and playing Xbox. Keep up the good work!! In all seriousness, I have taught for twelve years and had countless conversations with
One of our big summer goals for this year has been keeping a vegetable garden. We tried last year but without much success (weeds, squash bugs, some kind of hex on our peppers…), so we are being more deliberate and
In March, I wrote about how my three-year-old son has started taking photos around the house. Â This has become a regular part of our routine, so I wanted to share some more shots he has taken. Â Seeing our everyday life
I’ve seen this activity suggested on Pinterest, but this was our first time trying it. We used 18 mm plastic beads, regular spaghetti stuck in a little blob of Play-Doh, and an enthusiastic three-year-old. On top of building those fine
Our baby has hit that glorious stage: Putting Things in Things! He wants to take every object he can get his paws on and put it into any kind of container he can procure. It may be tempting to start
Since making the decision to home school my children, currently ages one and three, I have been researching various methods of home schooling. Over the next few weeks, I’d like to share with you some of the benefits I’ve seen
Since making the decision to home school my children, currently ages one and three, I have been researching various methods of home schooling. Over the next few weeks, I’d like to share with you some of the benefits I’ve seen