Attract more feathered friends to your yard or garden with this simple DIY bird feeder. Great STEM project to complement your nature study!
How to Make a Simple DIY Bird Feeder for Kids

Attract more feathered friends to your yard or garden with this simple DIY bird feeder. Great STEM project to complement your nature study!
A quick but worthy post today — sharing a lovely book to sweep you into spring!
How to get started knowing and loving your local birds
A sweet and simple project for bird lovers this Valentines Day!
What we’re growing with our little ones this year, and why!
We live in a major urban center, and at this point, we aren’t even allowed chickens in our neighborhood. We have to actively seek out opportunities for our boys to get outside, to spend time around animals, to learn how
This summer for one of his projects, my three year old has been diligently caring for a strawberry plant. He waters it, keeps it clear of weeds, and on three separate occasions has had the supreme delight of picking a
Before I begin, let me state for the record that I neither advocate for nor tacitly endorse the lying to or manipulating of children. I firmly believe this is a violation of their personal dignity, and that parents who do
An update on our three-year-old and his gardening project: We wanted our preschooler to take more ownership of our family garden this year, and as he is in a big “all by myself” phase, we decided that he needed a
Our seed project has been taking off! Our preschooler planted zinnias in a few pots, and he has been faithfully watering them every day and making sure they get plenty of sun. The sprouts are finally big enough to put