Storage is only the tip of the iceberg. Here’s how to organize your kids’ LEGO collection to beat your frustrations and make LEGO fun again!
Beyond Storage: Solutions to Your Real LEGO Problems

Storage is only the tip of the iceberg. Here’s how to organize your kids’ LEGO collection to beat your frustrations and make LEGO fun again!
An introduction to peaceful parenting — how to raise your children without violence and coercion. Today is the day to start.
Recently, some friends of ours gave our kids a box of over 1000 stickers. As much as I enjoy scraping stickers off my hardwood floors, we decided to use them a bit more productively instead! Check out this fun and simple method for tracking and encouraging your preschooler’s progress!
Ah, the wisdom of John Holt! It seems a simple idea, but we so often forget that our children are learning all the time through every experience they have and every idea they encounter. Read more to find out how our two-year-old reminded us of this simple fact in a surprising way!
Have a listen to an interview that nudged me over the edge into homeschooling!
Jim Trelease’s masterful treasury of read aloud books will help re-energize your reading with your children and build your wish list for your next library visit.
We chose homeschooling for many reasons, but among the most important is the time our children have to spend with their siblings.
All the parents who are sick to tears of “Brown Bear, Brown Bear,” this one’s for you!
I’m throwing in the towel. Here’s why.
The Donkey in the Living Room, by Sarah Cunningham, beautifully re-tells the Christmas story through the eyes of the animals and people present. In an “Elf on the Shelf” style tradition, Cunningham suggests parents wrap the pieces of their Nativity