When I was in high school, keyboarding was an elective. For today’s kids and teens, learning to type is an essential. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the work-from-home culture that had already been on the rise skyrocketed, and now the average American adult spends about eight hours in front of a screen every day. Learning to type will help prepare your children for careers in almost every possible field, and we’ve found the perfect place for you to start!
Typing Club teaches proper keyboarding skills through game play and brief video instruction. The site even allows you to set up an account for your homeschool, create accounts for your children, and monitor their progress — all for free! Children as young as kindergarten can follow the simple lessons and become quick, accurate typists even if they are still learning to read. My boy, ages five and seven, signed up for the program just three short months ago, and I’ve been very impressed with their progress and with how much they enjoy the program. Sign up today and give it a try!
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