You’ve got enough on your plate this week! Take a daily build break and enjoy making these fun, simple LEGO projects with your kids. Comment below this post with your favorite and your pictures!
Monday: Wacky House Build
You’re stuck in your house?! Perfect opportunity to build the LEGO house of your dreams. This is a family project! Everybody gets one 5×5 inch base plate and designs a room — including the walls but no ceiling. When they’re done, stack them to create your wild and wonderful LEGO family house! Get a peek at our family’s wacky house in Tuesday’s video below.
Tuesday: Zipline
Constructing a LEGO zipline is very simple and wonderfully entertaining. You only need a minifigure, a string, and a little structure of your own design to hold them together. We took one 4×2 stud block and built a little arch over the top of it. Attach your string between two towers or build LEGO trees for your characters to zip between. We were not emotionally prepared to disassemble Monday’s house project (which basically used all our LEGO Classic bricks), so we used our wacky house as a starting point and zipped to a little tower on the floor.
Wednesday: Balloon-Powered Car
Go green with a balloon-powered LEGO car! You can use a pre-built vehicle if you have one or use one of your own design. Please do not show your kids a picture ahead of time — it’s much more fun for them to figure out how this idea works by experimenting! Here’s a quick shot of ours:
Thursday: Floating Boat

Design a LEGO boat! Test it in the kitchen sink to see if it will actually float. Then see how many pennies your boat can hold before it sinks. Extra points awarded to boats built in S.N.O.T. fashion (“studs not on top”) as well as those captained by pirates.

Friday: Rainbow
It’s finally spring and you made it to Friday, so celebrate by constructing the largest and most elaborate LEGO rainbow you can! Everyone in the family can build their own, or you can work together to make something truly spectacular.

Hope you enjoyed these super simple, super fun LEGO projects with your family! Comment below with your favorite and share your pics! We’d love to see what you made!