Our simple, kid-friendly recipe for all-natural homemade applesauce — doesn’t require any special equipment.

My kids just love helping out in the kitchen, so we are always on the hunt for kid-friendly recipes. This applesauce is all-natural, easy to make, and o so delicious!

You will need:

  • apples
  • a splash of water
  • a large pot with a lid
  • a large spoon
  • a knife
  • a potato masher

Nice to have but not necessary:

All-Natural Homemade Applesauce

Wash, peel, and slice apples. Place in a large pot with a little water. Cover and cook on low heat, stirring often until apples soften. Use a potato masher or immersion blender to smooth.

Allow applesauce to cool and enjoy as is or with a dash of cinnamon! You can also can or freeze to preserve.

Simple, All-Natural Applesauce Recipe
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