YouTube is a smorgasbord of content. Don’t waste your precious time trying to wade through it all — here are the absolute best science channels for your kids.
Free School
Free School has a wide variety of content, not just science, but their science videos include these awesome hit lists of animals. They’re a great way to ignite your children’s curiosity and get them asking questions and digging deeper.
Science Max
Imagine taking all the classic schoolroom science demos — balloon-powered cars, egg drops, bridges made of pasta, and so on — and then kicking them up to the extreme. That is Science Max. Super engaging and with great explanations for kids of all ages.
D’Art of Science
D’Art of Science is just a gorgeous channel. Most of these demos are simple to try at home with materials you’ll often have on-hand, and all of them are downright magical. They also provide a follow-up for each video, titled “The Science Behind…” with an explanation of how and why the experiment works. My kids want to try every single one.
Smarter Every Day
You never know what you’ll learn on Smarter Every Day, but you do know this: it’s going to be fascinating. This channel is a massive rabbit hole of questions you never knew you always wanted answered, like “What’s that dusty stuff on butterflies?” and “Can you UN-mix colors?” and “What if your bicycle wheel turned left when you turned the handles to the right?”
Because Science
Because Science makes all my geek dreams come true. If you and your kids have any interest at all in science fiction and fantasy, you’ll love these in-depth applications of real science to the magical and marvelous.