I freely admit it: I am a huge YouTube junkie. My addiction has gotten that much worse since I began homeschooling. Now, instead of just watching videos I find interesting, I also compulsively watch everything I think my kids might potentially one day find interesting. It’s exhausting. And wonderful.
But mostly wonderful.
Today’s featured wonderfulness: “Let’s Make Art,” a channel devoted to absolutely mesmerizing content in which Sarah Cray and Nicole Miyuki Santo expertly guide you through scores of beautiful art projects. On their website, www.letsmakeart.com, they also offer project kits, subscription boxes, and free PDF outlines to print. They are also constantly producing new content, releasing a new watercolor tutorial and a new lettering tutorial each week as well as hosting weekly live learning sessions with each instructor.
If you are looking to incorporate more art into your homeschool — or just interested in pursuing a new hobby for yourself — this is a fun, low-stress way to get started! Watch below for an example tutorial with Sarah Cray: