Friends of ours recently gifted our boys the book 365 Things To Do with LEGO Bricks, a fantastic collection of creative ways to use your LEGOs.  It includes many STEM challenges as well as lots of artistic inspiration.

Our five-year-old has been enamored with this book and has spent hours pouring over the many activities.  He landed on building a maze — similar to the game Labyrinth — and enlisted his dad for some technical support.  Together, they came up with a really cool design.  See it in action here:

After a couple of hours enjoying his new maze, he decided that it was too easy.  He kicked it up a notch by adding another layer of bricks, covering parts of the maze so that the ball goes out of sight.  Quite a bit more challenging!

We always want to encourage our kids to think outside the box, to apply their ideas in tangible ways, and to trouble-shoot when things don’t quite go according to plan.  LEGOs are just one way to give your children that creative space for innovation, experimentation, and revision.

LEGO Maze STEM Challenge
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