Get Your Fourth Grade US National Parks Pass!

Get Your Fourth Grade US National Parks Pass!

We love exploring the US National Parks! Did you know that your fourth grader can visit these amazing places for FREE?? Here’s how!

Gardening with a Preschooler: The Strawberry Experiment

Gardening with a Preschooler: The Strawberry Experiment

This summer for one of his projects, my three year old has been diligently caring for a strawberry plant. He waters it, keeps it clear of weeds, and on three separate occasions has had the supreme delight of picking a

Olympic National Park: Bird Watching

Olympic National Park: Bird Watching

Ah, so many birds and so little time to sketch them poorly in my nature journal! While we did not see too many big animals on our trip to Olympic — not like going to Yellowstone where you’re practically tripping

Olympic National Park: Wildflowers

Olympic National Park: Wildflowers

In the literature I was reading preparing for our trip to Olympic, one description stated that the park had a “dazzling variety of wildflowers.”  That was no joke!  Due to the extreme variations in ecosystems throughout the park, countless types

Nature Journal

Nature Journal

My aunt — in addition to being a corporate real estate lawyer — is a very talented artist.  When I saw her last month at my sister’s wedding, she pulled me aside conspiratorially at one point to show me her