The Dirty Truth About Sharing: Property Rights for Preschoolers

The Dirty Truth About Sharing: Property Rights for Preschoolers

I knew at some point, sending my kid to preschool was going to create some culture clash. I work full-time, as does my husband, so our littles need to be somewhere during the day.  We have a daycare provider we

Teaching Econ

economics for kids

Here’s a great new resource for teaching your kids economics. The Tuttle Twins and the Miraculous Pencil follows Ethan and Emily Tuttle on a class field trip to a pencil factory. They learn about how products we consider simple, everyday objects are

William Hazlett

William Hazlett

“The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves.” I try to keep this in mind when disciplining my sons.  Am I exercising authority for my sake or for theirs? Am